Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours is a gentle reminder that life is short, so we should make the most of every moment.

It highlights our wish to hold onto every happy moment, even though we know it won’t last forever. Picture flowers that never wilt, moments that stretch on forever.

It brings to mind the end of friendships, aging parents, our kids growing up, and wanting to pause time because they’ll change next time we see them. It reminds us of friends who have passed away, the shifting seasons, and our own mortality. But most importantly, it encourages us to find joy in each moment.

- Jon Joffin

Visiting Hours music video is a beautiful cinematic collaboration, shot by Jon Joffin, ASC on the RED V-RAPTOR [X] with Zeiss and Angénieux lenses, bringing the song and story to life with stunning and dynamic visual detail.


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Visiting Hours